Beginning in the month of July, our classrooms are participating in Family Engagement activities! We are inviting families to participate in fun interactive learning activities with their children in their classrooms. The 1 year old classrooms – Zebras and Elephants – provided arts and crafts activities for this occasion!

In the Zebras class, families made paper plate watermelons using paper plates, red and green tempera paint, and their fingertips for the seeds! This was a great opportunity for the children to explore colors, shapes, and refine small motor skills while using drawing tools such as paintbrushes!

In our Elephants class, the families were given the task of making flip flops! Here, they had to trace their tiny tots’ foot before painting them and placing them onto their chosen construction paper. Afterwards, they would choose the strap design and then glue them onto their makeshift flip flops! This was a great opportunity for the children to learn colors, body parts such as feet and hands, and use various mediums for painting – like their very own feet!